How to set up/change the User Defined Application for the quick launch Fn button (Fn+F4) / P1 key?
If the SCM and the Dragon Gaming Center are installed on the system, press the quick launch Fn button (Fn+F4) to call out the Dragon Gaming Center [Instant Play: Play Key Setting] to set the User Defined Application for the first time use.
1. Click "Add" to add the applications to the Game List.
2. Click on the chosen application in the Game List.
To change the previous setting, run the Dragon Gaming Center and choose "Instant Play" tab to delete, add or change the settings.
If only the SCM is installed on the system, press the quick launch Fn button (Fn+F4) to call out the "User Define Key 1" set up menu to set the User Defined Application for the first time use. To change the previous setting, right click on the System Control Manager(SCM) icon located at the Windows notification area and choose "P1 Settings" to call out the set up menu.
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