Here are the top 20 entries selected by our professional judge panels!

Graphic Design
AI-Generated Works







Vote for Your Favorite Works

Cast your vote for your favorite works in each category. Your vote can elevate a deserving masterpiece to new heights. Let your passion guide your choice and celebrate the extraordinary talents of these visionary artists.

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그래픽 디자인
AI 생성 작품




About the Selection of People’s Choice Awards

Thank you for your enthusiastic participation in MSI Creator Awards 2024. We have been thrilled to see so many incredible works and the strong support you have shown by voting for your favorites.

During the voting process for "People's Choice Award", we noticed an unusual increase in upvotes for certain entries. After conducting a thorough review, we have determined that some of these votes may not align with the spirit of fair competition. To ensure the integrity of the contest, we have decided to exclude these entries from "People's Choice Award" selection.

Our priority is to maintain a fair contest, and we appreciate your understanding and continued support.