
Refer to the following steps to disable hardware acceleration according to the running programs when the abnormal display happens (e.g. screen freeze, stutter, flicker, or artifact).

- When using Microsoft Edge browser

1. Launch Microsoft Edge and click on the icon "..." on the menu bar.

2. Go to Settings > System and performance

3. Disable the option “Use hardware acceleration when available”

4. Relaunch Microsoft Edge.


- When using Google Chrome browser

1. Go to Settings > Advanced > System.

2. Disable the option “Use hardware acceleration when available”.

3. Relaunch Chrome.


- When using Firefox browser

1. Go to Options > General > Performance.

2. Disable “Use recommended performance settings”.

3. Disable “Use hardware acceleration when available”.

4. Relaunch Firefox.


- When using Opera browser

1. Go to Settings > Advanced > System.

2. Disable the option “Use hardware acceleration when available”.

3. Relaunch Opera.


- When using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.) programs

   *Note: The option might vary by different Office versions or Office programs.

1. Go to Options > Advanced > Display

2. Enable the option “Disable hardware graphics acceleration”.

3. Relaunch the Office program.


If the "Disable hardware graphics acceleration" is not found in the Office program via the above method, refer to the following steps to disable it.

1. Press the Windows logo key + R on the keyboard to open Run app, enter "regedit", and then select [OK]

2. After opening Registry Editor, under the left-hand pane, navigate to one of the following registry keys depending on your Office version.   

    > Office 2010: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Graphics   

     > Office 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Graphics   

     > Office 2016 / 2019: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Graphics

2-a. If the Graphics key doesn’t exist, you need to create it manually. Right-click the [Common] key, select [New], and then select [Key]                  


2-b. After adding Key, rename it as [Graphics]

3. Select the Graphics key and right-click anywhere on the right-hand pane, select [New], and then select [DWORD (32-bit) Value]

4. After adding DWORD (32-bit) Value, rename it as [DisableHardwareAcceleration]

5. Double-click on [DisableHardwareAcceleration], change Value data from 0 to 1, and then select [OK]


6. Close the Registry Editor and restart the system to apply the changes. The hardware graphics acceleration will be disabled.


- When using other programs 

  *Note: Disabling this option might affect the game's performance, it's suggested to follow the game's requirement to adjust this option. 

1. Go to Settings > System > Graphics > Default graphics settings

2. Disable the option “Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling”

3. Reboot the system.