The transmission speed of a USB is closely associated with the maximum transmission speed of your device, USB port version and the type of file you are transferring.

Maximum Transmission Speed of the USB Device

You may consult with your retailer to check the maximum transmission speed of your USB device:

We will take Kingston DT100G3 USB as example, the maximum transmission speed of this USB device is 130MB/S and therefore, this USB device can have the speed of 130MB /S in every USB port on a laptop.

USB Interface Version

Maximum transmission speed varies from the USB interface version. Please refer to the Image below and check your USB interface version.

USB Interface

Please refer to the image below to check maximum transmission speed after checking USB port version of your device.

USB Interface

PS: The actual speed of the USB interface is quite different from the maximum theoretical speed. Generally speaking, as long as it is higher than the maximum theoretical speed of the previous generation, it can be called the next-generation USB interface. For example, if the transmission speed exceeds 60MB/S, it can be called USB3.0 interface.

Type of File Transferred

It is recommended to compress your files into a single zip file, so that it can be transferred faster, possibly reaching its maximum transmission speed. The more the number of files and types transferred, the slower the transmission speed will be.